Saturday, 28 November 2015

Farts and Thunderclaps

It all started promisingly.  A nice hot bath with a book to warm and relax me and to divert my mind from its usual paths.  Then a small glass of wine in bed to finish the job.  With all the dogs sleeping contentedly, I put the light out at 10.30 and went quickly to sleep.

I woke to a noise of house shaking volume, followed by another, and another, and realised I had woken myself up sneezing.  The sneezes were followed by a fart of equal volume - and then I wondered which had actually woken me.  Looking at the clock I realised it was only half past midnight - and I was wide awake.  After a few more blasts of wind from both ends I also realised I was hungry. 

I trotted off downstairs, and as I passed Skara's bed at the end of my bed, she gave me a look that could only be interpreted as "For goodness sake, mum, go to sleep!!"  I put the kettle on, and made myself something to eat and went back upstairs.  Drink drunk, food eaten, light out again, I settled down to go back to sleep.  

However, whilst my nose had settled down, my midnight snack seemed to have added fuel to the gale going on within ensuring a plentiful supply of wind to make me giggle and stop me from sleeping.  I was now fully awake, with mind in thinking mode.

Once again, I went downstairs, this time to pick up the laptop.  It was 1.30.  I visited Facebook - not much happening there - then went to You Tube and found something to amuse me.  At 2.15 I put the light out again.

No joy.  I needed a wee.  Back downstairs again to the loo.  But that didn't help.  Time for something stronger.  No - not what you think - I have to drive in the morning.  This time I made a glass of hot water with lavender honey, and once again sat up in bed to drink it whilst looking at the computer.

Once finished, I went to the loo again - might as well, I thought, or I will only want to go in an hour or two.  Skara and River decided they wanted to go out too.  I was only too happy to oblige if it enabled Skara to sleep beyond 7am.  They came back in and shot up the stairs before me, and this was when I realised it was pouring down outside.  The dogs were a bit wet - and someone was on my bit of bed.  Thanks Skara, now I have a wet bed.

A strategically placed t-shirt, we were ready to settle down and once again we put the light out - this time it was 3.30.  Talulah was laid by my head, breathing gently.  Tussock was on the right hand side of the bed, snoring gently.  River on one bed on the floor, and Skara on the other one.  Sigh.  Domestic bliss.  I felt myself drifting.....

A blinding flash of light!  Was it in my head?  Or was it lightening? A few moments later, the answer came - a thunderclap which rattled the roof tiles.  Or did the man upstairs have a touch of wind, too?

The hailstorm which followed was of such biblical proportions, I decided God couldn't sleep either.

Monday, 23 November 2015

Turds and Travels

Well, that's another exciting week gone by with lots of things going on.  I am so excited I don't know where to start.

Okay.  Let's start with the bad bits.  I did get yelled at this week - mum caught me eating a bit of my own poo and shouted "NOooooooooooooooo" - and then she took it off me.  After that she followed me round and was virtually pulling it out of my bum before I could even sniff it let alone eat it!  But I had decided I didn't like it anyway and I haven't eaten any since.  I mean, I was only trying to help!  Mum goes round picking them up, so thought I would save her the trouble.  She still watches me, though and as soon as I sniff it, she says Ah-ah - but she doesn't seem to understand that we dogs need to sniff our poo and pee.  Ah, well, I suppose she is just a human after all.

Tussock had to go to the vet this week to have some lumps taken off - I kept biting at the one on her head, so mum decided she had been putting it off long enough.  Tussock isn't really grumpy with me, but she doesn't really play either - and she was really really quiet on Wednesday when she came home.  River and Talulah were a bit odd all day when Tussock was away - they couldn't be bothered with me.  And mum was a bit odd, too.  She wouldn't sit down for more than five minutes - she kept making another drink, and going to the loo.  Anyway - Tussock came home at the end of the day and everyone was really pleased to see her.

Now for the really exciting bit!  River and I went away for a weekend with mum - we were going to meet Grannie Annie before I get too big.  Grannie Annie loved me!  She thought I was very sweet with a lovely soft coat.  Grandfer was a bit gruff, but I think I won him over.  He said I seemed like a nice little dog.  

Oh!!!! And I forgot to tell you - I am allowed to sleep in the bedroom without the crate now!  Mum decided she couldn't be bothered pulling the crate upstairs at night so said she would see how I got on.  Of course I really behaved myself.  I did want to go on the bed, but River told me to piss off, so I though I had better not push my luck and I stayed on a bed on the floor.  Mum was pleased that I slept so well - and she slept well too as I wasn't rattling my crate all night.

The only thing I was a little bit in trouble for was chewing mum's knickers one night - and the next night I chewed her bra.  Well - I wasn't really in trouble - mum just tutted and said she really must be a bit tidier.  

Anyway, back to the weekend.  The very best thing that happened was that River played with me - proper play.  Grannie Annie has a nice big lawn that isn't muddy like ours and we could run and run and run.  At first I thought that River was trying to eat me - she is so big and ferocious, so I kept hiding in the rose bushes - but then they bit me, and I hid behind mum's legs.  But eventually I realised that River really did want to play - it was an awesome game.  

I chased her, and she chased me.  She let me leap at her, then bowled me over.

When she wanted a rest, she sat on me to keep me still.  Actually she wanted me to rest, and while sitting on me she was telling me that she is still bigger and stronger than me and I haven't to forget it.

I wasn't allowed to go for walks over the weekend - mum said I was getting enough exercise.  But she took River out on her own.  I was quite sad and sat and cried at the door until they came back.

On one morning, Mum went out and left us both - River was upset too, and wouldn't even play with me while she was gone.  We did have Grannie Annie for company, but we wanted mum.

Well, I think that's it.  We came home again tonight and then Talulah and Tussock came home - it was lovely to see them again.  The family is complete and I am happy.

Oooooh - almost forgot something else - there is a box in the corner of the main room in the house which has moving pictures and sounds.  There were dogs on it a few days ago, but I couldn't reach them.

One of my favourite games is sniffing mum's boots......

and sitting in her seat so that she has to stroke me before she moves me.....

And finally.............I managed to sleep on the sofa with River!!!!

Love you xxx

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Food Tails

Whey hey!!!  Life is so much fun when you are puppy!  Mum says I have to have a more restful day today - she muttered something about needing to get some work done.  Work?  I can help!  I can shred and file, in fact, I can remove the work altogether so she doesn't have to do it!  But she suggested I tell you all about my week......

Well.  Where do I start?

Let met tell you about the one thing I don't like and that is having to go in a crate at night.  It is to make sure I don't get myself into trouble and to give the big girls a break from me.  Mum puts me in there at bedtime and then goes back downstairs for a bath.  I can only make my protest by making as much noise as possible.  I have an antler chew in there and I rattle it around the crate as much as I can, and throw myself on the floor, and bark, and sing.  When I get tired of doing that, I poke my foot out of the crate and poke River on the nose - she is on mum's bed and just in reach.  Then she barks.  So I make faces at her.  But by the time mum comes upstairs, I am innocently fast asleep on my back.

Do you remember I told you that Talulah told me about mice that mum catches in traps?  Well - I got one!  Mum tried to throw it away into the shrubbery when Talulah wasn't looking - she didn't realise I have a good nose and that I would find it.  I hid under the garden bench at work, and ate it.  Talulah wanted it, but I didn't give her it.  The tail was funny to eat - it took a long time to go down my throat.

And talking of food (I do love my food) - I had a rabbit yesterday.  We went to visit Chris and then went for a little walk.  Tussock caught the rabbit, and I managed to pinch it off her.  Then I had to run away and I had all three of the big girls chasing me - and mum too, although she was laughing!  She caught me eventually and took the rabbit off me but when we got back to Chris's house, she chopped it up and gave us all a bit.  It was yummy.  Then we all went inside, and I threw up on Chris's brand new sitting room carpet.  Mum swore.  So I threw up again.  Then Talulah threw up in the kitchen and I thought that was a good idea so I threw up in there too.  Ha ha ha - mum was muttering about that was the last time any of us got rabbit.  Miss Perfect Tussock didn't throw up.  And neither did River.  Anyway, after mum had cleaned up, we all got shut in the kitchen except Miss Perfect.

I had my first swim this week - the big girls swim all the time so I jumped in the burn with them - it was a bit cold, and when I came out I couldn't understand why my tail and back legs felt heavy, so I went on a zoomie.  I have paddled in the sea too - but the water kept attacking me.  

Well, I don't want to bore you all, so will leave it at that today.  I have some Z's to push.

I will hand this over to mum and she can find some suitable pictures.  Silly mum didn't take her camera on the rabbit day, though.  

Bye for now!

Sunday, 1 November 2015


Hello everyone.  My name is Skara and I am the latest addition to the Wolfe Pack and I am 13 weeks old.  Apparently I am an unplanned baby, whatever that means.  I don't care if I was planned or not - I think I am going to like it here.  I am having so much fun and I just thought I would pop in and tell you about my day.....

It was a lovely sunny day today, and we spent most of it outside and I learned loads -

  • I learned that earth worms are delicious and a very useful between-meals-snack.  Mum has warned me that if I eat slugs, she will send me back to Ireland.
  • I learned not to put my feet in the way of mum's feet - she is really big and heavy and it hurts when she stands on me.  She did kiss my foot better, and I took the opportunity to give her a love bite on her nose.  She called me a little git.
  • Talulah taught me to poke around in the wood pile for mice.  I don't know what mice are yet, but Talulah tells me I will find one sooner or later, or that mum will give me one out of a trap at work.
  • If I bark, then all the big girls go rushing up the path to the gate - all barking with big deep voices.  What fun!  Then mum has to go shush them up.  Even more fun!
  • Getting under the sofa in the conservatory is much easier than getting out.
  • Fire wood is great to run round the garden with, and great to pull to pieces.  Mum says she would rather I chew on a log than on a bit of furniture.
  • I now understand why mum squashes flies with magazines - when I was having my after dinner nap, one was buzzing round my head - REALLY annoying.
  • Horses are VERY big - but their poo is very tasty - another useful snack.
  • I met a "hose" for the first time and it attacked me with cold water.  I hid under the car afterwards.  It wasn't my fault I got muddy - I just followed the big girls, and they took me through the boggiest bits just to get me into trouble.
  • River even played with me today - she chased me and I was scared!!!  I ran for cover until she had gone away.  Mum laughed.
  • The other girls get excited when mum gets out a big meat cleaver - I think I will in the future.  Mum had to "deal with a goose" and she gave me a taste.  YUM!
  • Mum says Sundays are a day of rest - not sure I believe THAT - I have been soooooooo busy today.  And now I am so tired.  I have had my tea, and now I am going to sleep all evening.
Bye for now.

PS Sorry that there are no pictures - mum says her camera is broken and she won't be able to take any pictures until about Tuesday.  xxx