Sunday 21 May 2017

Normal Service Has Been Resumed

Well, the last two posts here have been a bit personal, a bit hard to write, and I expect even harder to read - but I am not embarrassed by them because I know damned fine there are many people out there going through life as though they are wading through mud with dark clouds flanking their every move.

What I am, however, is surprised - at how much better I am feeling in less than a week.  The clouds have lifted, and the sun is starting to be visible, the mud has gone, although it is still a bit sticky underfoot, and my brain is actually starting to make sense of life again.

Two, maybe three, years ago, I came across an article about a nutrient - vitamin B12.  What I read resonated with me, and I went on to read more.  As a result I started taking a supplement, and was astounded at how much better I felt.  I stayed on it for quite a while - but on one occasion when I ran out, I never got round to ordering more.  I kind of thought I no longer needed it.  I was "better".

Back on Tuesday, I found a lonely little tablet of vitamin B12 in the cupboard - the light bulb went on and I popped it in my mouth.  I bought some supplies on Thursday, and the difference is astonishing.  I feel normal again - well, recovering!  My sense of humour is returning.

I settled down to do a bit more reading and did actually discover something I didn't know before.  The absorption of this nutrient is impaired by quite a few prescription drugs including anti-epilepsy drugs which I have been taking for nearly 40 years.  For 35 of those years I have struggled with a tendency to feel down, or downright depressed.  Little wonder.

It is mostly found in fish, shellfish, meat, organ meat and eggs, and given I have been pretty much vegetarian for the last couple of months, it isn't surprising that a stressful incident would push me over the edge.

A deficiency in B12, and the many symptoms that can come with it, is responsible for a number of mis-diagnoses - dementia, depression, parkinsons are just a few.  If the deficiency remains untreated, then  those diseases will actually well and truly manifest themselves as the brain gradually grinds to a halt in so many functions.

Those most likely to be affected are women over 50, people taking medication for diabetes, epilepsy and indigestion, and folks who don't eat meat and fish.

This is a simplistic view - there is a huge amount of information out there.  All I can say is thank goodness for the internet.

Thanks for your support this last few weeks.  I will go back to talking dogs again now.

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