Saturday 8 October 2011

Life is Just Play, Play, Play.

Gosh, it's hard to believe Riversong has been with me for nearly two weeks already.  And yet in some ways I feel as though she has been here forever.  So, what have we achieved.... well, we know the words for weewees, poos, we can sit and are now learning down, we've eaten a cardboard file, a sock, pulled the threads out of one of the kitchen mats, learned to run off with my slippers (learned that from Talulah), undone my knitting, emptied the stones out of my wee dish by the fireplace, eaten a neighbour's letter which was delivered here in error, we can come when we are called, although we don't always do so in true hovie style, we have several new friends, we've only done three wees in the house and two poos - all of which were my fault.  I could go on and on, but in true new mum style - I am in wonder at all of it, but probably bore the pants off everyone else in telling them!!

She's settling in now, and her nature is beginning to show through.  She has a twinkle in her eye and a wicked sense of humour.  I had a client here for a Bowen treatment a few days ago who arrived in full motorcycle gear which he left draped on a chair.  I came back in to find her with her head in a boot, pulling out his waterproof sock and running off with it gleefully.  She loves to chew, so we've bought a few new toys for her.  Most of the existing toys have been destroyed by Talulah and we need some sturdy teethers instead of the bed legs, the settee, the sewing machine, the radiator caps, the chair legs and whatever-else-she-can-easily-get-at.  Trouble is, any new toy that comes into the house Talulah believes it is just for her.  River also loves her food - with a passion.  She is never content with what I give her and always feels she should have more.  I have seen her throwing herself at the kitchen cupboards in an attempt to get at the counter where the dirty plates sit, squealing as she does so.  Tantrums!!  I haven't found anything she doesn't like yet.  What have we tried?  Hmmmmmm  chicken wing, venison, cooked chicken, veggies of all descriptions, prunes, figs, apples, pear, banana, yoghurt, humous, egg, Fish4Dogs fishy treats, baked beans .... thinks that's about it.  Certainly a diet with variety.  I thought Tussock might have caught her a rabbit today, but she missed it by about two inches. 

Waiting for supper.  They don't normally all sit together - they each have their own position.
It's easy to see just how people end up with out of control dogs.  When I am having my own tea, she is right there trying to climb up me to get at the food.  Oh, it would be so easy to give her little titbits thinking how cute she is - NO WAY LITTLE ONE!  Not in this house.  Having 30kg of full grown dog trying to climb up you to take your food is no fun.  Preventing or discouraging or better still, diverting unwanted behaviour at this stage is far better than having to correct it later.  Hmmm - so how come I have 30kg of hovie climbing up me when I come home - I'll get back to you on that one!!

There are so many theories and practices out there regarding training, behaviour, feeding, and so on, that it's a bit of a minefield for new dog owners.  It can be so easy to be swayed by seeing a seemingly quick fix of a problem dog on a tv programme, that people then try to train their young dogs with those "corrective" methods.  It doesn't work - and you can end up with more problems than you started with.  No puppy is bad, they just need to learn what it is that we expect from them.  Nothing can beat love, consistency, time, patience, positive experiences and socialisation.  And the occasional redirection from something you don't want them to do/eat/play with to something you do.  But, hey, I'm no expert, and I'm definitely not perfect!!!  Many would criticise me and my dogs because they feel their way, or their dog, are better.  I just do what I do and I seem to have dogs that I can live with happily and comfortably and vice versa.

River also has a temper!  She does NOT like being put behind bars.  At bedtime, I put her, with Tussock and Sisko, up in the bedroom and put up the baby gate so she can't tumble down the stairs, or get to anything she can hurt herself with.  Then I go down to brush my teeth and so on.  Last night, she screamed, hollered, rattled the bars, shouted, stomped and generally made a commotion that would make passers-by think someone was being murdered.  Then all went quiet............ suddenly thinking she had strangled herself, I shot out of the bathroom, only to find her sitting happily at the foot of the stairs watching me.

Today I took the big dogs out for a decent walk - well, the girls anyway.  It was pouring rain and Sisko looked so comfy on the bed, I left him to it.  We shut River up in the crate, and went out to the sound of her shouting abuse as we left.  I knew she would fall asleep though as she had just had a play session.

Tussock is still not over enamoured with the new arrival.  Whilst her initial reaction was as I expected, I thought she would have been more accommodating - I guess my pride in knowing my dogs was a little premature!  But that all said, she is taking more interest - even offering to play, albeit a half heartedly

I'll play if I must...

Talulah, however, has become a first class nanny.  She is amazing with the little one - gentle, patient, playful.  The games are getting a bit more raucous - I love the way River stalks Talulah who is lying on the couch, then leaps at her - except she can't reach yet!

A gentle rolling game...

A not so gentle standing on and biting game...

And trampling...

And running away before retaliation...

And running back to get another swift attack in...

Being observed by a very aloof Tussie...
Exploring the new soft crate...

And my oh my, has she grown!!!  Her legs have stretched to half their length again.  And today has been a growing day - a lot of sleeping .......

And so to bed....

The sleep of the innocent.

Night, night.

1 comment:

  1. she is very cute and we like her name as well, the pictures are quite funny and ewan thinks she sleeps very strangley!
    Frome Catherine, Julie & Ewan x
