Monday 21 March 2016

The Journey to Crufts - Part 3

We were finally on the road again to Crufts.  We knew we were going to be late but it was that or not at all.

My first task was to get the trusty TomTom going so that we didn't miss our junctions on the complicated bit around Glasgow, especially as there were roadworks.  I looked high and low but could not find a charging point.  Min wondered if it was because they discourage smoking in cars now, but I argued that people want to charge phones and such like.  I kept looking, and eventually found a small drawer containing a cup holder, coin holder, and - ta da da dah - a charging point.

I pushed the Tomtom plug in - and it popped back out again.  I pushed it in again - it popped out.  After several repetitions of this manoeuvre, I accepted that the Tomtom plug was not going to go into the socket and stay there.  The only way I could get it to stay in and connect to charge the Satnav was to push in on the plug.  Only that then closed the drawer on my fingers.  So, push the plug with my thumb, and pull the drawers with my fingers whilst bending down low to reach.  Oh!  And keep the plug at the right angle to keep the little red light on!  Okay.....sorted.

That left my free hand to enter in our destination on the screen which was balanced on my knee.  If I took my eye off the plug, the connection would be lost and the screen would go out.  Lose concentration on the screen and it would fall off my knee to the floor.  After several attempts, I finally got there and got the route on screen.  Except I lost the connection again and the screen went blank.

I should say that at this point there was a running commentary on my right:

"Where's the winkers?  I don't want the wipers, I want the winkers.  Stop giving me wipers - I want winkers.  Now I've got the winkers and I want the wipers - it's all on one stick - what kind of useless set up is that?  Where is the swisher - I can wipe, but I can't swish - if I wipe with out the swish it makes the screen worse.  Oh, go away stupid winkers."  Okay, it might not be verbatim - but you get the idea.

The next question was "where do we turn off?"  -  "I don't know, I can't get the screen on for long enough to see".  And I was too low down to see the road or the signs.

"Oh shit" says Min - "We should have been off there"

Okay, I will get this thing going to find our way back on - who on earth was I kidding???

There is a wonderful little ditty about a Satnav - you will find it here

This is my version

I have a little satnav, it sits there in my car
But unless you plug the damned thing in, you don’t get very far
The charging socket is down below in a silly little drawer
And even when you find it, the connection’s very poor
You push the charger in with force but it just pops out again
So you push the charger and pull the drawer – oh what a bloody pain!
And just when you get the connection and get the damned thing on
You find the junction you were looking for has been and bloody gone.

Several roundabouts, a few miles, much cursing, and half an hour later, we found our way on to the M74.  We no longer need the satnav.  We knew where we were going now.

Crufts here we come!!!!

To be continued.......

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