Thursday 22 September 2011

The Equine Members of the Family

I had always wanted a horse from being about 7 years old.  It was always at the top of my Christmas list.  At the age of 15/16 I helped a lady in the village with her Connemara ponies, and my favourite was a youngster who was under a year old at that time - she and I were great friends and she would follow me around whenever I went to see her.  From that came the desire to have a yearling that I could bring along myself.....  So how did I end up with three?  You might well ask.  I do doubt my sanity sometimes.

In 2006 I met a 9 month appaloosa foal - I was immediately attracted to her, and she seemed to like me. A few months later I found myself in the process of buying her, and a little while later, taking delivery of her.
Looking pretty

A year old at this point....
......with her first family

Within a few weeks I realised the enormity of the task I had taken on, and the huge lack of knowledge and experience that I possessed.  She was sensitive, it appeared she had hurt her back before coming to me, she was reacting strangely to certain noises and movements,  and I was at a loss as to what to do with her.  Enter a certain animal communicator and Reiki practitioner called Tanya Buck from Colorado and I began something of a journey to say the least, not to mention a steep learning curve - and not just learning about horses!

About two here, looking very gangly and out of proportion

Aren't I just gorgeous?

Leading beautifully, but very capable of much mischief!

Mooi happily shares her feed with Tussock and Talulah 

To cut a rather long story short, Mooi is now five, and I have started riding her, albeit tentatively.  On the ground I have no issues with her, but my riding confidence is not at the same level, probably due to several falls through my life.  She has already bucked me off once, but we'll get there.  She is very intelligent, quick to learn, but can be fidgety if she doesn't understand or is confused, and she is still unsure if she really wants my ton weight on her back!  All in all I have to say she is willing, though.  With a bit of expert help I am sure we could get along a lot faster.  At the moment it is a little bit like the blind leading the blind.  At least that's how it feels.
Now five, and looking more like a horse and less like a teenager

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