Sunday 15 November 2015

Food Tails

Whey hey!!!  Life is so much fun when you are puppy!  Mum says I have to have a more restful day today - she muttered something about needing to get some work done.  Work?  I can help!  I can shred and file, in fact, I can remove the work altogether so she doesn't have to do it!  But she suggested I tell you all about my week......

Well.  Where do I start?

Let met tell you about the one thing I don't like and that is having to go in a crate at night.  It is to make sure I don't get myself into trouble and to give the big girls a break from me.  Mum puts me in there at bedtime and then goes back downstairs for a bath.  I can only make my protest by making as much noise as possible.  I have an antler chew in there and I rattle it around the crate as much as I can, and throw myself on the floor, and bark, and sing.  When I get tired of doing that, I poke my foot out of the crate and poke River on the nose - she is on mum's bed and just in reach.  Then she barks.  So I make faces at her.  But by the time mum comes upstairs, I am innocently fast asleep on my back.

Do you remember I told you that Talulah told me about mice that mum catches in traps?  Well - I got one!  Mum tried to throw it away into the shrubbery when Talulah wasn't looking - she didn't realise I have a good nose and that I would find it.  I hid under the garden bench at work, and ate it.  Talulah wanted it, but I didn't give her it.  The tail was funny to eat - it took a long time to go down my throat.

And talking of food (I do love my food) - I had a rabbit yesterday.  We went to visit Chris and then went for a little walk.  Tussock caught the rabbit, and I managed to pinch it off her.  Then I had to run away and I had all three of the big girls chasing me - and mum too, although she was laughing!  She caught me eventually and took the rabbit off me but when we got back to Chris's house, she chopped it up and gave us all a bit.  It was yummy.  Then we all went inside, and I threw up on Chris's brand new sitting room carpet.  Mum swore.  So I threw up again.  Then Talulah threw up in the kitchen and I thought that was a good idea so I threw up in there too.  Ha ha ha - mum was muttering about that was the last time any of us got rabbit.  Miss Perfect Tussock didn't throw up.  And neither did River.  Anyway, after mum had cleaned up, we all got shut in the kitchen except Miss Perfect.

I had my first swim this week - the big girls swim all the time so I jumped in the burn with them - it was a bit cold, and when I came out I couldn't understand why my tail and back legs felt heavy, so I went on a zoomie.  I have paddled in the sea too - but the water kept attacking me.  

Well, I don't want to bore you all, so will leave it at that today.  I have some Z's to push.

I will hand this over to mum and she can find some suitable pictures.  Silly mum didn't take her camera on the rabbit day, though.  

Bye for now!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have a wonderful and eventful life little Skara. Greetings from Indy the traveling Hovawart.
